I blew the leaves away
I blew the leaves away today
They scattered and tumbled in front of me
Some took to the air trying to return to their perch,
While others held fast to blades of grass, happy with their location
They marched in front of me
A growing wave of brittle soldiers
On a calm green sea
Already dead but not knowing where they would rest
The branches above, so long their home, ignored them
Refusing to acknowledge that they were the ones that had made them beautiful
Even in their dying they had weaved a magnificent cloak of burnt orange and glowing yellow and fiery red
But even that had not been enough that the trees would hold them even a moment longer
Their curled and broken forms could only run from the roaring wind that chased them now
Pushing them on
There would be a momentary respite, the leaves trying to settle
But the gale would return, not content to have done enough
Until the leaves would cover ancestors that had come to the same spot to decay and disappear
And finally the deafening blast subsided
My lawn now nearly as green and neat as my neighbor’s, a foolish prize
I looked back to see a few leaves that had escaped the storm, huddled tight to the ground
And wondered if I should not have let them all lie